About Us

"Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Most students attending a local (or home) school grow up learning more than reading, writing and arithmetic; they also learn about their country- it's history, culture, laws, and geography. Yet how many Bible students- young or old- would know the location of the tribes of Israel just by glancing at a map? How many are familiar with the customs, commandments, and rituals of the Law of Moses- the Law central to most of our Bibles? How many could name the kings of Judah vs the kings of Israel? How many proverbs of Solomon could we recite from memory?

We believe in taking a more detailed approach to Biblical education. To that end, we are dedicated to providing an expanding library of free, accessible, quality Scriptural teaching materials for all interested teachers and students. Our materials go beyond basic Bible stories and encourage students to look for patterns and structure in Scripture (and broader Scriptural topics) that will spark a life of interest and curiosity about the most extraordinary Book of all- the Living Word of God.

This site is a personal project of a handful of Christadelphian volunteers. We are Bible believers and followers of Christ dedicated to clarifying, preserving, and preaching the Hope, harmony and exciting Truth of Scripture.

All work on this site is free for non-commercial use with no strings attached. The work is privately generated and financed by the editors and contributors to this site. Please contact us if you have comments, questions, or suggestions. Please also see our contact information below for links to other sites that may be of interest!

God be with you in your studies!

NOTE: As usual, please always read and review your Bible before teaching your subjects. We endeavor to be as Biblically accurate as possible with all study materials, and ask that any noted factual discrepancies that might be a problem please be reported so that updates and corrections can be made.

While the lessons we share are often presented in a way that is doctrinally neutral, we remind users that any interpretations of Scripture (visually, structurally, or doctrinally) on this site are meant to elucidate specific schools of thought, and should be carefully reviewed and considered by users before use. 


Site Created, Produced, and Edited by

Bro. Andrew & Sis. Stacie Johnson


Additional Contributors Coming Soon!

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From the same creators:

For more on the Christadelphians / our approach to doctrine and Bible study:
