Lessons | The Creation


Reference (Genesis 1, 2:1-3)


  • Introduce students to the story of Biblical Creation
  • Introduce students to the God of the Bible
  • Introduce students to the Bible
  • Help students consider that we are all created with a God-driven purpose.

The Creation

by Andrew Johnson

We live in an amazing world!

Just think of all of the incredible things we see everyday: colorful flowers, shady trees, flocks of chirping birds, and odd little insects. Life exists everywhere; on land, in the water, and in the sky. Even if we were to travel very down into the deepest, darkest cave, we'd find it filled with life!

However, the world wasn't always this way. Long ago, the Earth was in a state of disorder so bad that we wouldn't even recognize it. However, God changed all of that.

God is the greatest being of all. He is a loving Spirit; an everlasting Creator who is perfect, all-powerful, and all-wise. He can see every aspect of His creations, no matter how hidden- and he has created everything!

Our Bible is a record of God's Word which gives us insight into how God sees things. In our Bibles, the very first chapter of the very first book (Genesis) gives us an idea of what God did to create our world.

According to the Bible- the heavens and the earth were put together in seven days through God's awesome power!

On the first day's evening and morning, God said "Let there be light!" and light appeared! So God separated the light from the darkness, creating day and night.

On the second day's evening and morning, God spoke to the water, dividing it into the heavenly clouds above and the sea below.

On the third day's evening and morning, God spoke to the sea, moving it aside for dry land to appear. When arrangement had been made, God spoke to the land, commanding it to sprout grass, fruitful trees, and plants. Reflecting on His work, God pronounced it "Good!"

On the fourth day's evening and morning, God's word caused the sun, moon and stars to appear in the sky. He arranged them all to correspond appropriately with day (the sun), night (the moon), and also with months, years and seasons (the constellations and stars). Time could now be measured by His creation! God considered His work, and again announced that it was "Good!"

On the fifth day's evening and morning, God called to the Earth to bring forth fish, sea creatures, and birds in abundance. God blessed these animals, telling them to be fruitful; to multiply and populate the world. God reflected on this incredible creation and saw that it was good!

On the sixth day's evening and morning, God called to the Earth and commanded it to produce

male and female land animals, including cattle and insects. God then designated plants to be food for all creatures (of land, sea, and air).

On this day, God also created a very unique land animal- a man. The Bible tells us that God made mankind "in His own image."

Both men and women are special to God. We share special similarities with God that make us distinct from other parts of Creation. In fact, God not only commanded mankind to produce children and multiply, but He made mankind a caretaker of all of His plants and animals!

When God looked at all the work He had done, he rightly pronounced it "very good!"
On the seventh day, God rested from creating. He blessed the day, declaring it a holy (or special/ separate) day of rest!

So, God created the heavens and the earth, and all that is in them- including you and me! However, God is more than the Creator. Even better, God is our Father! Like all loving fathers that He has created over the years, He loves us and wants to protect us. He wants to build a relationship with us. Importantly, He also wants us to grow up to act rightly, just like He does.

We'll explore all of this much more as we learn more stories from our Bibles!

Suggested Questions:

1) What is the most amazing thing you think God has created? (Plant? Animal? Mineral? Celestial body?)

2) What kind of behavior do you think God might expect from you?

3) In what ways do you think we might be like the God who created us? In what ways might we be very different?

4) What good things do people do that show that we help take care of God's creation?

Associated Crafts & Activities


Try this general education math activity to help keep this lesson in mind during the week!